Social Proof Widgets and Urgent Messaging for Ecommerce

Boost confidence with various social proof widgets to encourage visitors to engage or buy, by showing that others like them did. Social proof and urgency messaging allow you to use the power of persuasion to sell better and faster in your ecommerce store.

Urgency Messaging and Social Proof

Harness marketing psychology to increase conversion, by displaying social proof or urgency messaging based on real-time data from your transactions. Prove the value of your products and the necessity to complete their purchase, with custom messaging.

From website to mobile app to email​

Social proof and urgency messaging can be shown in Personyze widgets and content at every digital touchpoint. This means you can harness marketing psychology not just on your website, but also in emails, and even mobile apps.

Customizable social proof widgets for all channels

Display widgets in Personyze are completely customizable, and come with a variety of templates to show social proof messaging. They can be embedded anywhere in the site, shown as popups, or embedded in emails and apps.

Easy integration of your data

Synchronize your product/content data automatically using our site content crawler, or use spreadsheet URL, API, or SFTP. Mapping the feed can also be automated, with our contextual algorithm that reads your content, and identifies and ranks interests/topics. 

Social proof widgets like "Others are purchasing this product now!"

Show the visitor how many other customers are viewing the product they’re currently looking at. By showing them that the item is something others are interested in, they can feel more confident in their choice. 

Show visitors social proof message with the first names of visitors that purchased from the same location , who purchased recently, or show the quantity purchased recently for a product they are viewing. Messaging can be shown as popups or embedded content anywhere on the site, emails, or app.

Category badges, spice up the product displays, by adding social proof  tags. For instance, you can show on the top 25% selling items a tag that says “Best Seller,” and on those items that have less than 20 in stock, show “Low in Stock.”

Cart page messaging, show  purchase data for items in cart for example if an item in cart has been one of the best sellers show a message “sold X times in the last few days”  and if item’s stock quantity is below 5 shows only 3 left in stock.

Email widget, emebd social proof and scarcity messaging into your email campaigns by adding our  open-time email code to your email templates. Show the number of views/purchases or stock availability for products in emails.

Scarcity messaging

Create a sense of urgency and increase conversion by showing the visitor how many items you have left in stock. Again, this can be displayed anywhere on the product page, or in recommendations.

Use scarcity messaging based on quantity in stock or a limited time-frame to buy, such as for flights or concert tickets. Scarcity widgets can be shown anywhere on the website, emails, or forms, with any design.

Countdowns to create a sense of urgency

Insert a countdown timer into your product pages (or anywhere in your store) in order to provide the visitor a limited time offer for the current pricing or coupon.

Use urgency messaging with various designs anywhere on your website, emails, or forms. Urge your visitors to buy using countdowns or alerts, based on factors such as quantity in stock, the time left before a sale ends, or a limited time-frame for purchase such as for flights or concert tickets.

Quickly and easily deliver social proof and urgency messaging

Our step-by-step wizards guide you through the process of creating social proof and urgency messaging on site, emails, and apps.

API and Integerations

Works on any website, regardless of platform, all channels, and has full rest API available.

Even easier plug-and-play integrations with popular platforms, such as Segment, WordPress, Shopify, Magento, Salesforce, Hubspot, and more.

Content Widgets

Add any type of content to your site and emails, with many templates to get you started.

Personyze comes with many responsive templates for popups, sliders, countdowns, banners, recommendation displays, forms, and more.

QA and Testing

Verify before going live, with multiple tools to test, share with your colleagues, and analyze before publishing.

Use testing tools to make campaigns live only for you, your colleagues, or use the simulator to troubleshoot.

CRM and User Data

Utilize the data you already have, by integrating CRM data with Personyze, and grab new data from their sessions.

Your CRM is a treasure trove of data for marketing, and when plugged into our personalization engine, becomes a powerful asset.

White Glove Service

Managed Service is included, so that you have the option to rely on us partly or fully for campaign building and training.

With our white glove service, you will have campaigns built by us live on your site within your first week, so you start seeing results even when you're still getting the hang of it.

Performance Analytics

A detailed dashboard with completely customizable KPI tracking.

Tracking views, impressions, clicks, and purchases, plus reporting to Google Analytics by default. You can set custom KPIs to track any behavior.

Social proof made easy.

We set out to build a comprehensive platform, and that is what we offer: everything you need to optimize across channels using personalization technology and social proof psychology.

Let’s talk about how you can harness the power of marketing psychology with social proof messaging and urgency messaging to boost conversion.